Ann Hunt

Ann Hunt (née Murphy) was raised with her twin sister Elizabeth in East Keansburg NJ where her parents John & Mildred Murphy operated a popular shore-side tavern. Both parents died by the time the twins were six after which they were taken in by the Mullaly clan who became and remain family. In the evenings of their childhood the twins would hear the bands playing from the tavern next door and were inspired to a lifelong love of music. After high school graduation the twins moved to New York City to work in the exciting business world and later Ann moved on to Buffalo until the historic 1977 blizzard made her decide to pack up the kids and drive to San Francisco where Elizabeth had preceded her.

In San Francisco, Ann worked as a food server at the Fairmont Hotel for the next 28 years until her (early) retirement. After experiencing management intimidation she became a union shop steward so she could stand up for her co-workers on the job. She also served countless hours on the negotiating committee for three city-wide contracts and when locked out by the hotels she walked the picket lines both day & night making up parody songs to keep spirits up. She was arrested five times in labor demonstrations fighting for health care.

Ann loved music. After her shift at the Fairmont she could sometimes see the great artists who performed in the Venetian Room (including her favorite Ella Fitzgerald) and then might serve them breakfast or lunch the next day. In 1982 she met her musician husband John who was playing with a band at Ginsburg's Irish Pub. After a whirlwind courtship of three years they were married on Christmas Eve 1986, to which the kids said: "It's about time!" After hearing Ann sing around the house John encouraged her to sing at his Gold Dust Lounge gig and from then on she took great pleasure in being able to participate in the music she loved so much, and greatly appreciated the many great musicians who generously shared their world with her.

Ann was an activist and volunteer in many activities in support of peace, justice, fairness, and compassion. She marched against the Iraq invasion, did meal delivery for Open Hand, marched in the Pride Parade and many Aids Walks, and was active in the Pine St. Neighbors annual sidewalk sale for AIDS Emergency Fund. She was one of the founders of the North-Side Democratic club and helped organize 63 precincts in the 1992 election. She spent many hours registering voters, phone banking and walking precincts. She was a volunteer ombudsman at nursing homes.

Ann loved to read and to travel for the same reason: to see how other people live. She loved books about people in different countries, cultures, and walks of life. When travelling, she liked to take trains and public transit, eat in local cafes, attend local fairs and festivals, and stay in small B&B's or apartments; all the time observing the life flowing around her. She and John were able to travel to various cities in Europe and South America and on one trip to Ireland she was able to meet six first cousins who showed her the area where her father was raised. Because Ann's sister Elizabeth is a travel agent, Ann was able to go with her to Japan, Egypt, and perhaps her favorite trip: to Cuba.

Ann's lung cancer surgery in 2013 and a difficult 6-month recovery in three institutions somewhat circumscribed her abilities, but not her spirit. She exercised daily so that she could still go out to restaurants, nightclubs, or on the occasional road trip knowing that she had 30 steps to climb when she got home. She and John did a Hawaiian cruise and a four week driving trip to Texas and New Orleans. Ann was still able to sing with an increase in her oxygen support and some changes of phrasing. Then, in January 2016, there was a return to the hospital, more tests, and a diagnosis of returned cancer. She came home and with the help of the magnificent Kaiser Hospice crew lived her last weeks with her usual courage and sense of humor, recounting family stories, travels, and enjoying visits and phone calls when strength permitted. On February 18 Ann completed a life well lived.

Rest easy great heart, we will always love you.

Ann is survived by her husband of 30 years, John Hunt, her twin sister Elizabeth Leathers of San Francisco, sister Patsy Kaes of Toms River NJ, daughter & son-in-law Shannon & Steve Spillane of Cherry Hill NJ, daughter & son-in-law Katie & Ben Brown of Houston TX, son & daughter-in-law Matt & Sharon Egen of San Francisco, & niece & husband Bridget & Chris Guy of Chicago IL.

There will be a celebration of Ann's life on April 4, 2016 from 5:00 - 9:00pm at the Golden Gate Yacht Club, 1 Yacht Rd. San Francisco, CA 94123